
Triathalon: Not all Fun and Games

One member of Team Sarcasma is in hospital tonight with pulmonary edema and without, as yet, an identifiable cause. Daisy was swimming the first leg of a triathalon today and ended up at the ER. We're told she will be fine, but it has been sobering for her and her friends to think about how quickly and unexpectedly it all happened.

These days I'm pushing my own body harder than I ever have before. Am I daft to think I'm capable of being prepared for a triathalon in August? Granted, it is a relay and the plan is for me to take only one leg of the race, but I only got on a bicycle again (after years of not riding) last week. I'm in better cardiovascular shape than I have been in years, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't exercise a bit more caution. Or not. I'm more aware than ever how life can change in an instant and as a main goal is to enter my mid-late 40's in great shape and hopefully better equipped to work and remain active as I get old(er), I'm still more inclined to challenge myself.

I resisted the temptation to give Daisy too much of a pep (get back up on the horse) talk today--the reality is that if she has heart failure or something equally serious, she may have to restrict her activity for awhile. But her self-confidence has taken a hit, and she's had medical professionals looking at her today likely wondering why she was in that water. I can tell you this though--no matter if I'm physically and mentally ready for that relay triathalon--if I dream that I'm mowed down by a fast-moving peleton--I'm staying in bed.

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