

Am off tomorrow to Philadelphia to see the sights--back on the 5th. Dreading heat and humidity. Update on my triathalon-er pal--all seems to be well--probably pneumonia, but things could've been much more grim.


Triathalon: Not all Fun and Games

One member of Team Sarcasma is in hospital tonight with pulmonary edema and without, as yet, an identifiable cause. Daisy was swimming the first leg of a triathalon today and ended up at the ER. We're told she will be fine, but it has been sobering for her and her friends to think about how quickly and unexpectedly it all happened.

These days I'm pushing my own body harder than I ever have before. Am I daft to think I'm capable of being prepared for a triathalon in August? Granted, it is a relay and the plan is for me to take only one leg of the race, but I only got on a bicycle again (after years of not riding) last week. I'm in better cardiovascular shape than I have been in years, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't exercise a bit more caution. Or not. I'm more aware than ever how life can change in an instant and as a main goal is to enter my mid-late 40's in great shape and hopefully better equipped to work and remain active as I get old(er), I'm still more inclined to challenge myself.

I resisted the temptation to give Daisy too much of a pep (get back up on the horse) talk today--the reality is that if she has heart failure or something equally serious, she may have to restrict her activity for awhile. But her self-confidence has taken a hit, and she's had medical professionals looking at her today likely wondering why she was in that water. I can tell you this though--no matter if I'm physically and mentally ready for that relay triathalon--if I dream that I'm mowed down by a fast-moving peleton--I'm staying in bed.


Et Tu, Triathalon?

Somehow I have found myself agreeing to participate in a relay triathalon with my friends (for the sake of internet anonymityI shall refer to them as Taz and Daisy) and I think I'll be responsible for the cycling leg. Only 12 miles--so I think I can handle that--but I haven't been on a bicycle in a very long time.

To that end, I have begun "training" for this and took my first spinning class today. Somewhere in the bowels of hell one of Satan's evil minions is laughing as his invention's latest victim. The class lasts an hour--I lasted 30 minutes. The instructor advised Taz and I to "stay in the saddle" for numerous sessions until we got the hang of it. I've been doing a lot of hiking, so my legs did pretty well, and my heart and lungs were hanging in just fine at the 30 minute-mark. But, Jesus, Mary and Joseph--my lady-bits were screaming. And not in that good way, either. The instructor would tell us to keep our sit-bones on a certain part of the seat--but that only gave temporary relief.

Event is in late August--just before or after the Democratic Convention here in Denver. We only found out about it yesterday, so training is beginning a bit late in the game--but I'm going to give it a go.

We are Team Sarcasma.


Eat This

Not sure why this is so funny to me, but it expresses a certain je ne sais quoi that a dog just couldn't get away with. Thanks, Natalie Dee.


Gratitude, Part 2

We are inching toward the summer season here, at long last. I love it here this time of year! Only a few days ago it was still snowing in the mountains, and last weekend we had our first day where the temp reached the 9o's. But as hot as it can get during the day, the air is practically humidity-free and it cools down at night. Sophie and I just returned froma short after-dark stroll and it makes me want to put a hammock on my patio and sleep outside.

On an unrelated note--Soph and I are watching "Manufacturing Consent"--documentary about Noam Chomsky, and there is tape of Chomsky on a panel with an ancient Jean Piaget. Sipping some beverage out of a demitasse. Oh to be an aging, but respected public intellectual. I'm just aging.


Homophobes Given Another Reason To Hate California

The California Supreme Court decision that struck down legislation prohibiting legal marriage between same-sex couples has made a lot of people happy. I recently "officiated" at a commitment ceremony for two wonderful friends, who happen to both be women. I hardly told anyone, primarily because I work with one of these friends and she is particuarly protective of their relationship and is careful with whom she shares details of her personal life. Even though the company I work for is considered very progressive and extends health insurance and other benefits to same-sex couples, there are individuals who would stand in judgment. I love my family, but had I told them, there would have ensued the rolling of the eyes and an expression of "first it was those two gay men in Dallas--now she's taken up with lesbians--where did things go SO WRONG?"
But here's who I was absoutely DYING to tell: members of former churches in which I was Spouse-In-Chief who would count this as absolute that I'm on the express Chattanooga Choo-Choo to hell.
It was a perfectly beautiful day and I'm still amazed when people find another person they could imagine being with for the rest of their lives. If Colorado ever follows California's lead (uh huh), perhaps we can do it again, and I can use the phrase "by the authority granted me by the State of Colorado." The ground down south underneath the Focus on the Family compound would surely tremble then. I'm sorry--but spending just one day tormenting religious fundamentalists just isn't nearly enough.
By the way, graphic above is from www.someecards.com


Politics of Weight Loss

Let's face it--there's pretty much no more revered virtue in our society than being thin. A close second is if you're fat but in the process of losing weight. It is as though with every size I drop I'm saying to the world, "yes, I was fat! You were right all along! I have seen the light and am on my way to becoming healthier and more fuckable!" A couple of people at work who barely spoke to me previously (and likely couldn't tell you my name) have found it PERFECTLY acceptable to comment on the change in my appearance. I'm not talking about the encouragement that comes from family and friends who know how hard it can be. But somehow it is as if I'm not just healthier--but a better person overall.

So may I say--what a load of crap! There are numerous factors involved in my losing some serious weight--but none of of these involves my becoming a more virtuous person. If anything I'm crabbier due to pasta deprivation. God knows how anti-social I'll be once I've lost it all.

On an unrelated note--but a rant nonetheless--what the HELL is up with people who find it perfectly acceptable to let their dogs run off-leash willy-nilly??? So Sophie and I are on our way home after a perfectly lovely evening hike and this German Sheperd ignores the half-hearted pleas of his owner to return to her and makes a beeline for Soph. As I'm half-dragging my own dog away, I hear my fellow dog-owner bellow "Come" and inquired of the dog as to what her "problem" is. Stupid heifer.