
Scooter Libby And Others Thankful For Not Being Chinese

So China is executing corrupt government officials now? Yan Jiangying, deputy policy director of the State Food and Drug Administration referred to the "shame" that Zheng Xiaoyu and other corrupt officials had brought on their country.

There is no shame in being corrupt in this country anymore. Inconvenience, yes, and sometimes expensive and a career-ender, but shame? Not so much. In fact, sometimes it is downright profitable and can be a ticket to high office.


Frank Garrett said...

I've been thinking about the Libby case for several days now, especially in light of Paris Hilton's sentence. Funny (read: sad) how Paris' jail time for her crimes is so much more appropriate than Libby's, and yet both are laughable in an extreme sense when compared to either True Justice or even Chinese justice. But I wonder if Libby is even guilty: isn't he merely the patsy for someone higher up the food chain (Dick & W.)? If we're going to advocate state murder/capital punishment, then where do we start? Libby? W? The people who voted for W? The men who created the electoral college in the first place? I'm afraid I'd be rather alone in my utopia.... But on the bright side: no Paris Hilton, no Libby, no W. Reminds me of those damned bumper stickers: Know W - no peace/No W - know peace. Or even those old jingles from the '70s: Libby Libby Libby is a Liar Liar Liar, You can't Trust Him Trust Him Trust Him, His pants on Fire Fire Fire.

Minerva said...

When I heard about the execution in China,and while I oppose the death penalty, I indulged for a few moments imagining numerous individuals sitting on death row.

As for Mr. Libby, I agree that he likely took the fall for Darth Cheney or someother higher-up. No one should've been surprised when W commuted his sentence and I think it is a very safe bet that he'll receive an eventual pardon as well.

I hope and suspect that someday the vacuous Paris Hilton will no longer command headlines as she'll just be another rich but talent and charm-free society matron. But, I wouldn't place any of my hard-earned money on it.