
Moving Day

I worked 4-10 hour days this week so that I can take off tomorrow and move my junk from my hated Hooterville abode to my new place that while in one of those generic, soulless, cookie-cutter apartment complexes (uh, sorry, apartment homes), it appears to be quite the step-up from whence I came. However, I have this unwelcome feeling of dread that the sword of Damocles is hanging over my head and it could be that unbeknownst to me a noisy family of 6 will be my upstairs neighbors or that the water is so hard it will turn my dishes and clothes orange. I mean, what does it mean when the leasing agent conveniently told me after I'd signed the lease that some residents run some orange kool-aid through their machines now and then? I may be repeating this exercise sooner rather than later.

Nonetheless, I look forward to no longer seeing my neighbor who drives around in his giant Ford with giant confederate flags flapping in the breeze whilst his horn blares out "Dixie." I will not miss the totally clueless perenially out-of-work guy who likes to race his very loud toy cars out in the parking lot at 2 am. I will not miss my downstairs neighbor who yells obscenities at his wife and I will not miss the 4 barely out of adolescence men-children who live across the hall and play Metallica a stadium-level sound. And, I will not miss dealing with an apartment office staff that can most diplomatically be described as "charm-free."

I will however, miss the trees and my view of downtown from my balcony. I hope the change will do me good.

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