
Connecticut Residents Testify Against Human-Dolphin Marriage

Just in time for them to testify against proposed legislation that would legalize same-sex marriage in Connecticut, certain Mensa member residents mounted these intellectually rigorous objections to sex, particularly sex between women and dolphins. For the destruction of American society and the institution of marriage, you can blame abortion, homosexuality, contraception, fornication, defiance of natural law, and a little somethin' called cultural warming. Hi-larious.

I swear, if I'm ever called upon to testify before any legislative body, I'm going to wear a bag over my head in case I say something stupid and it gets posted on YouTube.

1 comment:

MikeCT said...

Glad you enjoyed my video! Here's my write-up on it.

Your writing is wonderfully funny. Please keep it up. And I promise not to make any videos about you.