
I Chant the Body Electric....all the Way to Hell

In the ever-lengthening list of things that godduggery wails and gnashes its teeth about, add teaching children yoga in public schools. Perhaps not as earth-shattering as finding out that Tinky-Winky is a big 'ol purse-toting homo, it seems though that all that mandatory chanting while stretching the body into sexually suggestive positions is tantamount to teaching Hindu in public schools and thereby violating constitutionally mandated separation of church and state. Of course, we all know how the religious right cherishes the establishment clause.

I wonder if it is really about promoting the religious beliefs of those hell-bound Hindus and not the focus that is placed on the human body (so prone to sin as it is). Just the names given to different yoga poses might cause some twitterpation in the heart and body of the chaste: Downward-facing Dog, Standing Straddle Forward Bend, Goddess Pose, Four-Limbed Staff Pose.

The benefits of introducing yoga into a public school phys-ed program include: reducing childhood obesity, calming students who suffer from ADD or ADHD, increasing flexibility and strength. Downside? Even "yoga lite" (stripped of pose names, chanting, referring to yogic breathing as "bunny breathing" etc) "goads young people into exploring other religions and mysticism."

However, fear not! Check out this Christian alternative to yoga.

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