
Satire and Class

Unless you've been under a rock today, you've heard the bit of buzz generated by this week's New Yorker cover. I have to confess my initial, gut reaction was "omigod!" Satire, yes, but while this was visual representation of accusations made about Michelle and Barak Obama that we've all heard before, I still found it rather shocking. However, what I have found most interesting is the discussions about who gets the joke, and supposedly who doesn't. Some have suggested that the editors figured they'd get a free pass on this because Joe Sixpack is the consumate racist, sexist xenophobe AND he doesn't read the New Yorker. And, Joe Sixpack is pretty dumb, yes? He doesn't know what satire is. But the folks who are able to get the joke are nonetheless condemning the illustration as offensive and just plain bad satire. Some criticism has centered on the fact that the perpetuators of the crap that is the subject of this supposed satire are not represented w/in the drawing itself. But is this really needed (especially since only all us smartypants will get the joke)? I mean--about all that's missing is an aborted fetus.

So what of it? Offensive? Bad satire? The New Yorker's craven need for attention and publicity? I've had too many problems uploading the image here--but you haven't seen it already, you can check it out here.

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