
Historical Disbelief

I am admittedly out of the loop in many arenas right now, but I hadn't heard of the series "A Brief History of Disbelief", that originally aired on the BBC in 2005. Evidently it has had a bit of trouble making its way across the pond, and you'll be shocked to hear that opposition to the program is being voiced by the usual suspects--Family Research Council, and People for the American Way.

I have no idea if the program is even worth my time (although Bill Moyers interviewed the series creator), but when the pearl-clutchers start frettting, then it is at least worth checking out. I read about this here. I've e-mailed my local PBS station to find out if/when the program would be aired, and was told that it is currently not on the schedule, but that doesn't mean it will not air in the future.

In other and completely unrelated news..... a Ted Haggard follow-up.

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