
Give Me A Break From The Weather, and Hold the Holy Night

Well, it is Christmas Eve, and I'm tired and feeling, if possible, even more cynical than last year. This last academic quarter left me drained, and silly me, I didn't take the time during all the reading and writing to think ahead about this absolutely magical time to make kennel arrangments for Sophie. Imagine my shock to find out that everyone else had made arrangements, leaving no room in the proverbial inn. So, while the rest of my family gathers at my brother's house, Sophie and I have holed up in my Hooterville apartment to wait out the holiday. And, it is snowing again, so I find sequestering myself with good books, wine, hot cocoa, digital cable and my dog isn't such a bad thing. Weather permitting, I'll head up to the hills tomorrow for the day--but tonight is mine.

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