
Et Tu, Triathalon?

Somehow I have found myself agreeing to participate in a relay triathalon with my friends (for the sake of internet anonymityI shall refer to them as Taz and Daisy) and I think I'll be responsible for the cycling leg. Only 12 miles--so I think I can handle that--but I haven't been on a bicycle in a very long time.

To that end, I have begun "training" for this and took my first spinning class today. Somewhere in the bowels of hell one of Satan's evil minions is laughing as his invention's latest victim. The class lasts an hour--I lasted 30 minutes. The instructor advised Taz and I to "stay in the saddle" for numerous sessions until we got the hang of it. I've been doing a lot of hiking, so my legs did pretty well, and my heart and lungs were hanging in just fine at the 30 minute-mark. But, Jesus, Mary and Joseph--my lady-bits were screaming. And not in that good way, either. The instructor would tell us to keep our sit-bones on a certain part of the seat--but that only gave temporary relief.

Event is in late August--just before or after the Democratic Convention here in Denver. We only found out about it yesterday, so training is beginning a bit late in the game--but I'm going to give it a go.

We are Team Sarcasma.

1 comment:

Shmonkey said...

How much do I love you for your team name (and a little bit for your commitment).

Invest in some good cycling shorts and go to a specialty shop to be fitted for a sports bra to protect your lady bits. Your fitting will be fun for the clerk and fodder for the blog.

Marathon training began last week. Today's run was 50 minutes.