

A physician and a nurse I work with have a bet as to when the blackest of my toenails will fall off. The cut on the right foot was a result of opening a bottom file drawer without allowing sufficient clearance. So typical.


May Snow Day

I've lived in Colorado for almost six years now, and it still feels surreal to have enjoyed temps in the upper 70's one day, then sit in a meeting at work the next and watch giant, wet flakes of snow fall the next. By the end of the meeting, everything was covered with snow, but it warmed up enough to melt off before I drove home.

Better workout today--no traumatic middle-school PE flashbacks. Hard work has benefits, but my body feels like I've been beaten about with a bat.

Spending the day tomorrow in a grant-writing workshop--perhaps I can find some money to pay for the violin lessons, a new hybrid, and office space for a think tank.